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Python Review

{Review Notes made with W3 Schools}


  • Indention is important to indicate blocks of codes in Python
  • Comments:
    # one line comment 
    commenting for
    more than 
    one line 


  • There's no command for declaring a variable, so you can just do x=9
  • Variables are created whenever you assign a value to it meaning you don't need to declare it as a type & you're free to change the type after its been created
  • If you want to specify the type, you can cast it
  • If you want to find the data type of the variable, you can print it with type()
  • String variables can be declared with single or double quotes
      # creating variables
      x = 1
      y = "yama"
      # casting
      x = (int)1  # 1
      x = (str)1  # '1'
      x = (float)1  # 1.0
      # type
      # string
      x= "yama" 
      x= 'yama'
      # ^ these two are the same


  • Variable names must start with a letter or underscore - cannot start with numbers
  • Variable names are case sensitive (hello, HELLO, Hello)
  • Cannot be a python keyword
  • Variable name can only contain alpha numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
  • Variable naming conversions
    # camelCase
    thisIsCamelCase = "hi"
    # PascalCase 
    ThisIsPascalCase = "hello"
    # snake_case
    this_is_snake_case = "hey"

Multiple Values

  • You can assign multiple variables in one line
    x,y,x= "apple", "orange", "cherry"
  • If you have a list, you can unpack it to extract the values into variables
    fruits= ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]  
    x, y, z = fruits